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  • Monthly Pregnancy Habit Tracker - Colour

    Monthly Pregnancy Habit Tracker - Colour Pregnancy can feel like a roller-coaster ride but that doesn’t mean you can’t still be on top of your game! Maintain healthy habits throughout your pregnancy with the help of this super cute pregnancy tracker! Download this printable for free only from Pregnancy Habit Tracker (2)

  • Colouring Sheets: Sea World

    Colouring Sheets: Sea World Allow your children to join you on a colouring adventure as wild and free as the sea! These colouring sheets feature whales, fish, sea horses, crabs, and other underwater creatures that your child can colour with crayons or colour pencils! This can also aid in the development of pencil grip and colouring abilities. You can download this printable as many times as you like from Sea World

  • Pregnancy Habit Tracker (with Vitamins section) - B&W

    Pregnancy Habit Tracker (with Vitamins section) - B&W If you’re expecting a little one soon, this ‘Pregnancy Habit Tracker’ (in black and white) will help you stay on top of your game! This tracker will help you plan an organised pregnancy and will encourage you to record yours as well as your baby's small accomplishments, and all the little habits you've been following consistently! Get this printable for free, as many times as you need, only on Pregnancy Habittracker B&W

  • Pregnancy Habit Tracker (with Vitamins section)

    Pregnancy Habit Tracker (with Vitamins section) It is important to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle through your pregnancy. With so much happening, it might seem like a lot but with the help of trackers, you can monitor your habits and well-being! This tracker includes a ‘vitamins’ section that will remind you to take your supplements on a daily basis! Download this printable for free, only on Pregnancy Habittracker

  • Colouring Sheets: Farm Animals

    Colouring Sheets: Farm Animals Children love farm animals, and our farm animal-themed colouring sheets are an excellent way to teach your children all about them. Go through a variety of animals in our colouring sheets, including chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, and more! If you intend to take your child to a farm, they can learn more about these animals that they might encounter! Get this printable for free from Colouring Sheets - Farm Animals

  • Starting a Vision Board? A Printer is All You’ll Need

    A vision board is a unique collection of pictures, inspirational quotes, songs, and other items that you feel capture your distinct aims, aspirations, and dreams. There are no set rules to this, your vision board is incredibly personal to you and can be of any size or shape! However, it is common practice to get a vision board with the dimensions of a poster board that depicts how you picture your perfect future. Once it has been finished, your vision board should be put on display where it can regularly inspire you to act in order to finish your plan or accomplish your goals and make your vision a reality.  As mentioned earlier, there are no set rules to this. You may opt for one vision board or multiple ones, it entirely depends on how you’re feeling! In fact, each of your vision boards can be solely dedicated to one topic, whether it’s a compilation of things you like, or motivationally themed for your long-term goals. By maintaining a vision board, regardless of whether your board pertains to your personal life, your work, your relationships, your emotions, your money, or anything else, you will experience the advantages outlined in this article. Once your board is finished, you are ready to begin using it as a creative tool! Getting Started on Your Vision Board is Fairly SimpleStart by analysing your values. Achieving your goals won't provide you with the sense of fulfilment and well-being you're looking for if they aren't in line with your own beliefs. What matters to you? Where do you find meaning? Who do you hope to become? Whom are you hoping to assist? And how would you want to use your free time? Keep these questions in mind while you create your vision board and consider your objectives. Secondly, consider what drives you. You'll have an easier time achieving your goals when you pursue objectives that inspire you. Consider what you want and why you want it. Does it have anything to do with your past or your childhood? Does it have anything to do with the way you are? Learn more about the significance of the goals you've set for yourself. If you find they are not as crucial as you originally believed, you can change them.  This brings us to our third point, setting your priorities. Vision boards may occasionally turn into collections of all the things we are inspired by or aspire to be. We need to be more realistic with these objectives if we truly want to accomplish them. What are your realistic goals for the next year or five? The Benefits of Having a Vision Board1. Improves Intentions and Brings Clarity Items you include on your vision board are either things you want to accomplish or be inspired by. Use your vision board to start each day with purpose. Having a vision board helps you set better intentions as it is a visual depiction of your aspirations. This means that as you glance at your vision board each day to keep you motivated, your dreams become crystal clear and vivid. 2. Enhances Originality Your creativity is bound to increase as you look for new ways to accomplish the goals that you’ve set for yourself.  3. Increases Motivation and Productivity It's true that certain days can be difficult. Creating a vision board is a great way to keep your inspiration close on days when it's difficult to stay motivated. You're more likely to experience an increase in productivity when you have an end goal in mind, such as the goals and aspirations you’ve written down on your vision board.  4. Increases the Likelihood of Success and Heightens the Sense of Fulfillment The ability to increase your chances of success is one of the main advantages of creating your own vision board. Having a vision for your life and career might help you stay focused. This then prompts a sense of well-being and accomplishment which leads to feeling happier in life. 5. Increases Willpower Another advantage of creating your own vision board is that it gives you a boost in willpower. You become more determined when you’re able to concentrate on your objectives every day. A vision board forces you to periodically reflect on your goals. It is undeniable that having a vision board to refer to each day will keep you motivated and focused on your long-term objectives. By creating a visual depiction of your goals, vision boards are a creative and entertaining endeavour that helps you establish an intention for the future. It's a great chance to consider these objectives and how you wish to reach them. You'll probably discover that making a vision board increases your productivity.  And the best part? You can find useful materials to get started on your vision board right here on! Be it habit trackers, journals, or stickers, there is something for everyone on Start downloading free printables now and get started on your vision board journey!

  • The Ultimate Pregnancy Habit Tracker - B&W

    The Ultimate Pregnancy Habit Tracker - B&W If you’re an expecting mama looking for a perfect pregnancy habit tracker, then we’re about to make your day! Our Ultimate Pregnancy Habit Tracker includes everything you’ll need to keep track of your habits, vitamin intake, cravings, inspiration, and more! Download this printable for free from WEEKLY PREGNANCY HABIT TRACKER B&W

  • The Ultimate Pregnancy Habit Tracker - Colour

    The Ultimate Pregnancy Habit Tracker - Colour Keep track of your habits, your vitamin intake, all your cravings, and write special notes to yourself, including some quotes for inspiration, with this gorgeous Pregnancy Habit Tracker! Download this printable as many times as you’d like, for free, from WEEKLY PREGNANCY HABIT TRACKER COLOUR

  • Book Tracker B&W

    Book Tracker (B&W) Our Book Tracker is your go-to for recording all of your observations on your favourite book, whether it's the book's summary, favourite characters, genre, or any other special notes you'd like to make! This printable is available for free, only on Book Tracker B&W

  • Book Tracker color

    Book Tracker (Colour) Embrace your inner bookworm and achieve your reading goals with this amazing ‘Book Tracker’ (in colour). This tracker is a beautiful way to keep track of all the books you want to read and have finished reading. This also helps you record your ratings for each book. Get this printable for free on Book Tracker color

  • Why You Should Track Your Habits

    What is Habit Tracking?  Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution only to forget about it in less than a week? We’ve been there. Healthy habits are essential for a fulfilling life but they can also be difficult to cultivate, especially if you’re more or less set in your ways. So, how can we change this? One way to do it is with habit trackers! To put it simply, habit trackers are exactly what they sound like, tools that help you keep track of your activities and habits. You could track your habits by marking them on your calendar or you could get a customised habit tracking sheet to keep a check on your progress. Tracking your habits is important because habits take time to form and having something to document your progress helps you stay on course effectively.  There are so many benefits to habit tracking, some of them are listed below.  Accountability Is your goal to exercise daily, journal everyday, or drink 7-8 glasses of water each day? All these are great habits to form but just telling yourself that you’ll start tomorrow or not being sincere about it isn’t going to help you. Instead, getting a physical habit tracker would compel you to do the action and make you accountable for your actions. Accountability is the first step towards any long-lasting change because, without it, you could end up flaking and procrastinating.  Forming Good Habits and Discarding the Bad Ones  The more you practice keeping a track of your habits, the better results you’re going to get. Some believe a good habit takes 21 days, some believe it takes 60 days. Regardless of the time, the only constant is consistent effort. The time it takes for you to form a habit may depend on the kind of habit you’re trying to form but as long as you remain consistent, you’re bound to hit your goal. The great thing about farming good habits is you automatically shed the bad ones. For example, say you want to start waking up early; you set your alarm for 6 a.m., and when that alarm rings, you make yourself leave your bed to go mark it on your tracker. That’s progress. In time, not only will you start waking up early, you’ll also go to bed earlier than usual because your body needs that rest. By building one good habit, you probably lose several other not-so-good ones.  Visual Representations of Your Progress By maintaining a habit tracker, you’re constantly viewing your progress and this visual cue can be immensely rewarding. There’s something deeply satisfying about viewing and measuring your progress and here’s an example of it: Imagine you’re assembling a jigsaw puzzle. At first, it’s all chaotic. There’s no order when you first start, and it can feel quite overwhelming. But then you try to figure it out and you slowly start placing one piece after another, and now suddenly, there’s some clarity, enough for you to want to keep going. This motivates you to put some more pieces in their places, and before you know it, you’ve finished the puzzle! Think about this for a moment. How rewarding is that feeling? Habit trackers pretty much do the same for you.  Building Confidence and Motivation As we discussed in the previous point, a visual representation of your progress can greatly motivate you. That in turn makes you more consistent and the more consistent you are, the much closer you get to your goal. This builds confidence and motivation in an individual. For example, say your goal is to be able to do a push-up. You might struggle in the first week, but with consistent effort, you’ll finally be able to do a push-up. Then that push-up becomes two push-ups. The two become five. A month into it, you’re probably doing 25 push-ups for a warm-up! What started at 0 is now at 25 because you felt confident and motivated enough. Improving the Quality of Life  Cultivating and maintaining good habits are incredibly rewarding simply because it makes you the best version of yourself! By maintaining your healthy habits, you’re improving the quality of your life. And the best part is this: you can start anytime! There’s never a deadline for starting something new and awesome. You’re never too old to discard habits that do not improve your life. There are so many healthy habits we could include in our lives. You could try to make a habit of going to bed early, drinking more water, getting enough sunlight, and meeting your deadlines. The possibilities are truly endless!  Conclusion Tracking your habits will help you become a better version of yourself and the process is as simple as just downloading one of our free, printable trackers and making sure you practice your habits daily.  We have an entire collection of trackers. Habit trackers, monthly trackers, colourful trackers, black and white trackers, 100-day trackers, and more. Browse through our site and print your favourite tracker today!  Check out some of our free, printable trackers here:

  • Monthly Habit Tracker (B&W)

    Monthly Habit Tracker (B&W) We're big fans of trackers, and we believe this one will leave you in awe. Our 'Monthly Habit Tracker' printable (in black and white) is ideal for anyone who wants to track and monitor their daily habits. Remember that small steps can make a big difference! This printable is now available for free download on Habbit Tracker B&W

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